MIL-HDBK-61A: Configuration Verification and Audit

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8.3 Configuration Verification and Audit Activity Guides

Preparation for an audit is as important as the audit itself. Table 8-1 provides guidance for planning and pre-audit preparation. Table 8-2 provides guidance for the conducting configuration audits. Table 8-3 provides guidance for post-audit follow-up and closeout. Figure 8-3 describes the generic content of audit certifications documenting key audit review activities. Refer to Appendix E for examples of specific certifications and for the selection of the appropriate topic areas.

  • Table E-1 (in Appendix E) provides a summary of all the certification areas including recommendations about the detail information required to identify the documentation reviewed that should be provided with the certifications.

  • Table E-2 is a matrix of the certification topics and recommendations to aid in determining which certifications to use as a part of an FCA or a PCA for hardware or software under a performance-based or a design based acquisition. For the specific environment of each program, the appropriate recommended certification topics should be determined from the table. The audit team should consist of the appropriate subject experts necessary to review the documentation and complete the certification packages identified for the selected certification topic areas.

Activity Guide: Table 8-1. Audit Planning and Pre-Audit Preparation
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19 One of the tests applied by the courts to determine if the Government and Government contractor are liable is if the Government has participated in the design and has exercised discretion. Such activities as design reviews and configuration audits are useful in documenting the Government's exercise of discretion over the design even though they have basically left the design solution to the contractor under acquisition reform principles.


For correct application of this information, see NOTE on Contents page